Pride and Prejudice Vol III
The Third Volume in the Pride and Prejudice Collection brings another selection of beautiful tunes and dances from the 17th and 18th Centuries that were popular in the Regency Period, with brand new arrangements by David Fleming-Williams.
As with Pride and Prejudice Collection Volume 2, we have referred back to the original manuscripts and, where suitable, David has used the original tunes.
In the same manner, Reg Battle has re-interpreted some of the dances trying to get back more closely to ‘how it might have been done’, bearing in mind the expectations of today's dancers.
This is a Multi-Media CD - so if you have a computer you can see and print both the dance notations and the music notations. Also included are the original notations and interesting ‘tit-bits’, such as how the dance was performed in the TV or film production. The ‘Download’ version also includes the dances and music as ‘pdf’ files.
The Dances are:
The Corporation (Thompson 1777)
Cream Pot (Thompson 1757)
Draper’s Maggot (Dancing Master 1706)
The Dressed Ship (Thompson 1774)
Hunsdon House (Dancing Master 1657)
Hyde Park (Dancing Master 1651)
The Ladies Joy (Cahusac 1788)
Maiden Lane (Dancing Master 1651)
Love’s Triumph (Dancing Master 1710)
The Merry, Merry Milkmaids (Dancing Master 1651)
Mr Isaac’s Maggot (Dancing Master 1695)
Parson upon Dorothy (Dancing Master 1652)
Picking of Sticks (Dancing Master 1651)
Row Well Ye Mariners (Dancing Master 1651)
The Spaniard (Thompson 1777)
Wakefield Hunt (Thompson 1779)
Well Hall (Dancing Master 1679)
The Young Widow (Griffiths 1778)
Click Here to Listen to a Sample
Pride & Prejudice Vol III
Price £12.00
File (in MP3 form, with PDF of the Dance Notations and Music Notations)
Pride & Prejudice Vol III
Price £12.95